Sensors and IoT
Dasloop IoT Smart Helmet with Cloud Based Management Platform
CITF Code: PA19-031
Type Of Technology: Sensors and IoT
Product Type: Safety Monitoring System
Vendor: Beeinventor Limited
Origin: Asia, Hong Kong and Mainland China
Tel: 9757 2952
Type of Technology: Sensors and IoT
Product Type: Safety Monitoring System
CITF Code: PA19-031
Distribution Channel: Beeinventor Limited
Tel: 9757 2952
Dasloop IoT Smart Helmet with Cloud Based Management Platform
This system could track and locate workers in both outdoor and indoor enviroment. Information can be visualised in 3D BIM model in the cloud based management platform. Real-time monitoring could improve the efficiency in site supervision and management. The heartbeat rate and body temperature sensors could provide instant alert through SMS if abnormal readings are detected. The accelerometer sensor could detect accidental fall and motionless conditions so that quick actions could be taken. Users could also press the panic button to call for help in emergency. Collison warning could also be given to workers to minimise injuries.
Legend: 14. Locally developed innovations or products; 15. Safety-related Technologies