Sensors and IoT
Automated Internet of Things (IoT) Construction Monitoring Devices and Monitoring System
CITF Code: PA19-004
Type Of Technology: Sensors and IoT
Product Type: Force, Underground Water Level, Inclination, and Environmental Monitoring Sensor
Vendor: LR Construction Technologies Ltd
Origin: Asia, Hong Kong and Mainland China
Tel: 2137 0877
IoT monitoring devices measure force, underground water level, inclination, and also environmental quantities such as temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, and air pollutant concentrations. Readings can be automatically measured at 1-minute intervals roundthe-clock regardless of weather conditions, and are stored on the cloud. The monitoring system's multi-platform user interface allows users to view readings in real time. Instantaneous risk analysis can also be carried out and warnings can be instantly issued according to userconfigured safety thresholds.