Sensors and IoT
UWB Collision Warning System
CITF Code: PA20-055
Type Of Technology: Sensors and IoT
Product Type: Safety Monitoring System
Vendor: Beeinventor Limited
Origin: Asia, Hong Kong and Mainland China
Tel: 9757 2952
Collision warning system could provide real-time safety alert for workers and plant operator by using UWB technology. Many accidents happening on site involve workers being hit by moving plant and machines. An accurate collision warning system can prevent this kind of accidents in a cost effective way. The system adopts the latest UWB - Ultra Wide Band technology. The plant with a UWB detector sets a virtual working perimeter and any worker with an UWB tag entering the perimeter will trigger the alarm to warn workers and the operator to stop the plant so as to prevent collision accidents. The accuracy is up to centimeter level and in all directions. Legend: 14, 15