Drainage Condition Assessment and Management System (DCAMS)
CITF Code: PA20-070
Type Of Technology: Digitalisation
Product Type: Digitised Reporting Tool for Underground Pipe Survey
Vendor: MSDI (China) Limited
Origin: Asia, Hong Kong and Mainland China
Tel: 2784 0109
Drainage Condition Assessment and Management System (DCAMS) is the system developed for underground utility in Hong Kong. DCAMS adopts Conduit Condition Evaluation Codes (CCEC) in its system design. The codes are particularly used to evaluate of deterioration of pipelines. The conditions of pipelines and manholes can be assessed in a more accurate and effective way. Site data can be smartly converted to reports. Historical data can also be compared with the current data to generate analysis for management decision. With DCAMS, site operators can work safely and more efficiently. DCAMS has also been accredited by the two recognized utility institutes in the industry, i.e. International Institute of Utility Specialists (IIUS) and Hong Kong Institute of Utility Specialists (HKIUS).