Advanced Tools and Equipment
Type Of Technology: Advanced Tools and Equipment
Vendor: RMD Kwikform
Origin: Asia, Europe, Hong Kong and Mainland China
Tel: 2415 4882
Geobrace is used with trench sheets or sheet piles to support small to large excavations and for the construction of manholes, chambers, tank installations and basements.
Benefits :
- Increase productivity
- Enhance construction site safety and health
- Improve quality of work
- Cost and time saving
- Improved environmental
Applications :
- Trench
- Cofferdams
- Tanks
- Manholes
- Chambers
- Spanning Beams
Project References :
- The Lyric Theatre of the Kowloon
- NL/2017/03 Tung Chung Reclamation & Adva
- ND/2019/01 Kwu Tung (N) New Development Phase 1
- HKIA C3503 T2 Foundation & Substructures
- Sky City