Sensors and IoT
Intelligent Safety AI Box
Type Of Technology: Sensors and IoT
Vendor: CSC Robotic Engineering Ltd.
Origin: Asia, Hong Kong and Mainland China
Tel: 2410 4612 / 9540 8599
Intelligent Safety AI Box "MEGVII MegCube - B4H Series" provide a cost-effective, edge computing enabled AI monitoring solution for construction safety. By loading safety algorithm packages, the AI box can analyse different scenarios in the construction industry. With the functions of safety helmet detection, danger zone detection and flame detection etc., it helps to reduce construction risks and accidents effectively.
Benefits :
- 24/7 hours monitoring behavior and the danger area without interruption
- Alert for near miss incidents and eventually stop accidents
Applications :
- Safety Monitoring
Project References :
- AI Monitoring of Electrical System in an Electrical Office Building, Guang Dong, 2022
- AI Monitoring of Oil & Gas Equipment in CNPC factory, China, 2022