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I-vision Manholes Management System

Sensors and IoT

I-vision Manholes Management System


Origin: Asia, Hong Kong and Mainland China

Tel. No.: +852 24887 6218 Email:

The I-vision Manholes Management System aims to enhance infrastructure security for doors, manhole covers, and electronic locks. If accessed by unauthorised personnel, it immediately issues alerts to notify relevant personnel, ensuring safety and reducing risks. 

The primary objective is to enhance infrastructure safety through smart sensing technology. When unauthorised opening actions occur, the system immediately issues alerts, including SMS or app notifications to relevant personnel. For example, if an unauthorised person attempts to illegally open a manhole cover, the system records the event and instantly notifies maintenance personnel, ensuring a swift response to mitigate risks. The upcoming "Safety Guard" system will provide real-time communication and personnel location features, further improving the efficiency of incident response. Both systems are tightly integrated, allowing users to manage safety alerts and track personnel locations on a single platform. This is mainly used on construction sites to enhance site safety. 

  • Enhance the security of doors, manhole covers, and electronic locks to prevent unauthorised access. 
  • Send instant alerts to notify relevant personnel and improve response speed. 
  • Reduce the risk of unauthorised access to facilities by unqualified individuals, enhancing site safety. 
  • The new "Safety Guard" system combines instant communication and location features to improve personnel safety. 
  • Provide comprehensive insights into site conditions through an IoT remote monitoring system. 
  • Push data to the CMP platform. 


  • Facility Security Enhancement:  
    Enhance access controls, manhole covers, and electronic locks to prevent unauthorised access, ensuring only qualified personnel enter specific areas, thereby improving overall site safety. 
  • Real-Time Response System: 
    The system can issue real-time alerts to inform relevant personnel of potential security threats or unauthorised access, increasing response speed and reducing incidents. 
  • Site Risk Reduction: 
    Implement precise security control measures to reduce the risk of unqualified individuals entering the facility, thereby raising site safety standards and protecting personnel and infrastructure from potential threats. 
  • Safety Guard system: 
    The newly embedded "Safety Guard" system combines instant communication and location features to enhance personal safety on-site, ensuring rapid response and accurate location tracking for swift emergency rescue. 
  • IoT Remote Monitoring: 
    With an IoT-enabled remote monitoring system, management gains comprehensive and clear insights into site conditions, receiving real-time updates for timely adjustments and decision-making. 
  • CMP Platform Integration: 
    The system pushes collected data to the CMP platform for further analysis and management, promoting more efficient operations and safety monitoring. 

Project Reference:

  • Tseung Kwan O Desalination Plant
  • Tung Chung Man Tung Road