Site Safety Digitalisation Solution – AI Modelling Predictive Analytics
Vendor: Spatial Technology Limited
Origin: Asia, Hong Kong and Mainland China
This solution facilitates effective smart site safety management covering 3 major processes/stages :
Stage 1 : Through Novade, all major site safety workflows can be truly digitalised – frontline workers input safety data including PTW, safety inspection, incident report, observations, etc. via smartphones in real time. This reassures all workflows being monitored with transparency & safety compliance be reinforced, especially for those high-risk activities.
Stage 2 : Through Spatial Technology’s CDMP, all major safety data derived from AI/IoT devices & Novade Safety can be fully integrated into various kinds of advanced analytical dashboards, which can also align with client/main contractor’s KPI to enable safety performance evaluation
Stage 3 : Through Novade AI Modelling Service, all the structured safety data collected in the past year can be processed & transformed into valuable insights & knowledge with predictive analytics that help prevent accidents with over 80% accuracy. This facilitates implementation of preventive policy measures to improve safety.
The solution is comprised of:
- Novade Safety Platform
- Spatial Technology CDMP
- Novade AI Modelling Service
- Conduct effective digitalization of PTW & equipment tracking.
- Enable safety processes data transparency & traceability, which reassures accountability.
- Effectively collect site safety data, analyse & process them into meaningful information, eventually transform as valuable insights & knowledge to enable preventive policy measures to minimise risks & improve safety.
Any construction sites
Project References:
- Hip Hing Construction
- Hong Kong Housing Society