CITAC Opening Ceremony
The Construction Industry Council (CIC) today announced the opening of the Construction Innovation and Technology Application Centre (CITAC). The HON Paul CHAN Mo-po, GBM, GBS, MH, JP, Financial Secretary of HKSAR, Mr. LIU Chun-san, JP, Under Secretary for Development, Ir HON Chi-keung, Permanent Secretary for Development (Works), Mr. CHAN Ka-kui, SBS, JP, Chairman of CIC, and Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of CITAC Board jointly officiated the opening ceremony, marking an important milestone in the development of construction innovation and technologies in Hong Kong.

CITAC Opening Ceremony was jointly officiated by (from left) Ir HON Chi-keung, Permanent Secretary for Development (Works), Ir Thomas HO, Chairman of CITAC Board, The HON Paul CHAN Mo-po, Mr. LIU Chun-san, Under Secretary for Development, Mr. CHAN Ka-kui, Chairman of CIC, and Ir Albert CHENG Ting-ning.

Group photo of CITAC Opening Ceremony officiating guests and representatives from CITAC Exhibitors.

The HON Paul CHAN Mo-po, Financial Secretary is impressed with the innovative construction technologies introduced at CITAC.

Representative from CITAC exhibitor introduces to The HON Paul Chan Mo-po, Financial Secretary the IoT (Internet of Things) Safety Helmet, which is a smart device that can monitor the health and enhance safety and communication of construction workers.